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Organization of Your Desk for Maximum Productivity

Jul 7, 2021

If you’re trying to boost your productivity, don’t underestimate the power of a well-organized desk. Keeping your workspace organized will help you stay on task and work efficiently all day, but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Approach it as an ongoing project rather than a massive renovation, and you’ll find your work days much more productive.

Start With the Layout

Don’t distract yourself by being uncomfortable. Everything at your desk should be convenient to you. Your computer monitor should be at eye level and an arm’s length away from you. Your phone should be kept on your dominant side so you don’t have to reach across your desk. It’s also a good idea to keep a clutter-free space the size of a piece of paper on your dominant side to make reviewing and signing papers more convenient.

Clear the Clutter

Keep only what you use on a daily basis on your desk. Clutter is distracting and can make you less productive. Photos are okay, but any more than about three becomes a distraction. Keep only what you need at an arm’s length away, and store everything else in a drawer or a closet.


Use desk accessories such as desk caddies and pencil holders to organize your smaller items. Now, pens, paperclips, and even your cell phone will always be easily found.

Don’t Forget to Clean

Tidy up your workspace at the end of each day. Not only will this give you a clean slate to work with the next morning, it’s also just a good way to wind down your night before you go home. Be sure to wipe your desk with sanitizing wipes daily too, to stay healthy. Deep cleaning should be done four times a year. Use this time to throw out old pens and other unwanted items and organize your drawers. Remember, deep cleaning will be much easier if you maintain an organized desk throughout the year.

Organizing your workplace will help keep you focused all day. De-clutter your desk and maximize your productivity at work.

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